Thursday, November 30, 2017

Yareema foundation


Yareema foundation solution overview.

Problems and solutions on fighting against hunger and poverty.

Solution Name:

Sustaining urban food system development

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One-line solution summary:

Improve agricultural productivity and enhance livelihood and food security in poor rural communities.

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Pitch your solution.

1 food security in poor rural communities.

2  to enables groups communities with a common goal to place increasingly effective demand on the broadening range and services and type of infrastructure require to allow them to develop greater resilience to economic, social and natural shocks as well as to earn more and emerge from hunger and extreme poverty.

The scale of the programme must be massive if it is to have a meaningful impact on reducing hunger and poverty. A plausible target is to benefit 60 million households in developing countries between now and 2015, equivalent to approximately half the number of people who are now hungry. The total cost would be about US$2.3 billion per year over 13 years.

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What specific problem are you solving?

Problem: Hungry children cannot grow and learn to their full potential. Hungry adults cannot perform hard physical labour; they fall sick more often and are more likely to die young. worse, hunger perpetuates itself when undernourished mothers give birth to smaller babies who start life with a handicap. 


Success in reducing hunger is also likely to produce large benefits in terms of sustainable development. The economic prosperity resulting from hunger reduction should create demand for sustainable use of the environment and of common property resources. This point takes on added resonance in the context of the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg.
Better nourishment in the poor countries is likely to increase their incomes, thereby creating a new source of demand for the products of the developed countries. Better nourishment may also reduce the likelihood of conflict. Lifting people out of hunger, the most extreme form of poverty and deprivation, makes it less likely that they will be easy prey for those who seek to promote their own self-interest through conflict and civil strife. Apart from contributing to global stability, hunger reduction may also reduce the worlds expenditure on conflict prevention and rehabilitation of war-torn areas.

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What is your solution?

solution:In summary, a twin-track approach is required for quick success in reducing hunger and poverty. One track would create opportunities for the hungry to improve their livelihoods by promoting development, particularly agricultural and rural development, through policy reform and investments in agriculture.

The other track would involve direct and immediate action to fight hunger through programmes to enhance immediate access to food by the hungry, thereby increasing their productive potential and allowing them to take advantage of the opportunities offered by development. Direct action to target the hungry is also necessary because economic growth takes time to have a significant impact on hunger. Hungry people cannot wait, however, so direct and immediate action is required.

Improving the performance of small farms in poor rural and peri-urban communities offers one of the best and most sustainable avenues for reducing hunger by increasing the quantity and improving the quality of locally available food. It also provides a foundation for equitable economic growth.  better performance improves food availability and nutrition within the immediate farm families, thereby increasing their capacity to enjoy a full life, learn and work effectively and contribute to the general good of society.  and slows rural-urban migration.

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Who does your solution serve, and in what ways will the solution impact their lives?

to improve the life of people those that are living in an extreme poverty.

I'm doing great work to understand their need's

supported by research and extension institutions that are responsive to locally articulated needs. In many cases success also depends on developments beyond the farm boundary, such as improvements in roads or in the supply of irrigation water. The investment needs for these improvements are addressed under other programme components.

Sustaining and up scaling this process requires the emergence of self-reliant community institutions that can take the lead in ensuring the food security of all their members, plough gains new investments and develop linkages with other communities through sharing knowledge and experience. This enables groups of communities with a common goal to place increasingly effective demand on the broadening range of services and types of infrastructure required to allow them to develop greater resilience to economics. 



Throughout the 1990s, many developing countries invested substantially in infrastructure. While such investments have done much to improve living standards and increase productivity, the rural areas of most developing countries still face inadequate levels of services and often a deteriorating stock of rural infrastructure. 

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Which dimension of the Challenge does your solution most closely address?

Improve supply chain practices to reduce food loss, scale new business models for producer-market connections, and create low-carbon cold chains

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Explain how the problem, your solution, and your solution’s target population relate to the Challenge and your selected dimension.

Problem: as i said many people in Africa are living in an extremely poverty and hunger like northern Nigeria, that's why insecurity is high rate in this zonal.


the Best solution is to help them with farm tool's and seed's and sending poor children to school who come on Road, i understood that lack of education and hunger will bring the insecurity in a country, our governments are compulsory to help the people who are living in villages, because most of the people in village are living in an extremely poverty.

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In what city, town, or region is your solution team headquartered?

Kano, Nigeria
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What is your solution’s stage of development?

Scale: A sustainable enterprise working in several communities or countries that is looking to scale significantly, focusing on increased efficiency

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Who is the primary delegate for your solution?

Usman yahaya musa, founder of Yareema foundation

specialize link to view my project

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